Saturday, January 5, 2008


I woke up this morning and had lines in my face from my pillow case. I went about my usual routine, emptying the dishwasher, making the bed, answering emails and a few other chores. Then I went to take my shower and son of a gun, they were still there! I tried to cover them up with make up the best I could but you could still see them! Now I know why they tell you not to sleep on your stomach. I have always had the luxury of good skin, it's genetic. I always slept on my stomach, used Ivory soap and never had a problem. Menopause has change all that. Estrogen help keeps your skins elasticity, and without it your skin doesn't bounce back as it should. Now I am getting a chicken neck, saggy knees and the damn lines in my face. Add to that the hot flashes I have been having for 12 years and I'm surprised I am still sane!

When men age and get wrinkles, it looks distinguished, unfortunately it's not the same for the ladies.

Well, It's frustrating but I resolve to grow old gracefully!!