Friday, September 19, 2008

Where am I?

We are back at our little home in Cleveland after spending a lot of time on the road. We were in Michigan for my Family reunion, Chicago to visit with Margy and the kids while they were there visiting Erin then to Florida for a business/pleasure trip in which we got to visit Nicole and Jeff's Mom, Dad, brother Greg and Jeff.
It was good to be home but I have to admit that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and have to think of where I am. And when I sit down to watch TV, I can't remember what the major networks channels are, again I have to stop and think of where I am. Last week I had to give someone our Carolina phone number and I couldn't remember it! I can give you the phone number for the last 7 house but I couldn't remember our current number. We went to the mall recently and had to stop and think of what mall, and in what city we were in. Am I loosing it?
We are off again this weekend, Jeff to China and I am off to Michigan to visit family and friends. I'll update again soon...........

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love it? We sure are not going to suffer from boredom living like this.
